Photography Photography
Landscape, Portrait and anything else
Landscape, Portrait and anything else
Imaging camera ZWO ASI-1600MM-Pro

Imaging camera ZWO ASI-1600MM-Pro

For my main imaging camera I decided to stop trying to use a DSLR and switch to a specialist imaging...

New Laptop

New Laptop

With my new Starlight Xpress guide camera I needed a laptop to use for Astronomy.  Couldn’t I have used my...

Guide Camera

Guide Camera

The change started here.  After getting really annoyed with the SynGuider II, I decided to got from one extreme to...

All change, it’s been a while so need to catch up.

All change, it’s been a while so need to catch up.

A lot has happened since I posted about replacing my laptop in 2015.   I thought I was happy using a...

Changing the mySql data directory.

Changing the mySql data directory.

When having a production install of software it’s always a good idea to seperate the data from the software. For...

PiVan Mk 3 (Here we go again)

PiVan Mk 3 (Here we go again)

Whilst my Media center was running on a PI 3B, I had the occasional under voltage issue.  This I noticed...

RetroPi on my OSMC install

RetroPi on my OSMC install

Something that I thought would be a fun edition to my media center would be to add an install of...

Auto restarting my Home Server PI

Auto restarting my Home Server PI

This is something which, in an ideal world, should not be needed.   However.  I live in reality rather than fantasy...

Getting my GPS working with my PI3

Getting my GPS working with my PI3

After having a couple of system crashes of my PI2, Which I was using to run my DHCP, VNP, DNS,...

Peltier cooler for my telescope imaging camera

Peltier cooler for my telescope imaging camera

This summers project is to build a cheap Peltier cooler for my ZWO ASI290-MM camera.   This camera is a specialist...